
MennoMedia publishes thoughtful curricula and books about Christian living, reconciliation, anti-racism, justice, and theology from an Anabaptist perspective. Its trade book imprint, Herald Press, provides opportunities for writers and readers to wrestle with climate change in the lens of an Anabaptist Christian faith. Books can help bring new voices into conversations around climate change and challenge readers to be inspired by new ideas and take action through other organizations and in their daily lives. By amplifying voices that can enrich the conversation– including those that might be underrepresented– and catalyze imagination, Herald Press and MennoMedia work to provide resources that equip people to take action. Herald Press is actively accepting proposals on topics of ecological justice, indigenous theology, and related intersections.

Get involved: Submit your proposal book proposal to Herald Press! Learn more here.


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Contact us:

Laura Leonard
Acquisitions Editor, Herald Press

MennoMedia is an agency of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.


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Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)