Equity & Climate Justice Resource

We can no longer overlook the the connection between climate change and racial and social inequities.  The climate crisis is a manifestation of a structural violence against both the people and the environment, with roots in colonialism, capitalism, and other systemic forms of oppression against black and brown bodies.  Black, indigenous, and people of color have historically been, and will continue to be, disproportionately affected by climate change.  There have been generations of injustices committed against these communities.  In fact, “race is the number one indicator for the placement of toxic facilities in this country” (NAACP). As stewards of God’s creation, we cannot be for the planet, without also being for the people.  And as Anabaptists, we are committed to opposing violence, fighting for justice, and building peace in our communities, institutions, and ecosystems.  In short, we cannot truly protect the environment unless we tackle social justice, too.

We recognize that there is already an abundance of resources on this topic.  For this reason, we are compiling a non-exhaustive and non-comprehensive list of materials for education and awareness purposes.  We hope that these resources will help to spark conversations in your own community, as well as steps toward anti-racist climate action.  

About This Resource List


Social Media

Ways to Get Involved

Conversation on Food Justice Webinar, Society for the Increase of the Ministry
Doing Justice: The Role of Faith in Building Climate Equity, Let’s Talk Climate webcast discussion series 
A list of groups to support, Civil Eats
Intersectional Environmentalist, an incredible resource that continually adds more content

If you have any questions or would like to share a resource you found, feel free to email info@

Resource by Judith Marklin
2020 Communications Intern